by Jason Yoo | Dec 18, 2020 | Medicare Advantage, news
GoHeatlh Inc. recently announced a newly created role of Chief Medical Officer, hiring Dr. Paul Hain, M.D. Dr. Hain recently served as the Chief Medical Officer and Divisional Senior Vice President of Market Delivery for Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas. The hire...
by Jason Yoo | Dec 18, 2020 | Medicare Advantage, news
Humana Inc., already a 50% owner of Wisconsin healthcare based iCare, recently announced it will acquire the remaining 50%. iCare currently serves 44,000 members through Wisconsin’s Medicaid SSI program, BadgerCare program, and Medicare D-SNP plans for people who are...
by Jason Yoo | Dec 11, 2020 | Medicare Advantage, Medicare Supplement, news
CSG Actuarial’s MarketEdge and MarketAdvisor are the ultimate sales and marketing research tools, allowing you to view Medicare Advantage market share and demographics to better understand the opportunity. Below is just a sampling of data using November 2020...
by Jason Yoo | Dec 11, 2020 | Medicare Advantage, Medicare Supplement, news
UnitedHealth Group hosted an Investor Conference, providing an outlook into 2021. CSG Actuarial has compiled key information from the materials focusing on their market leading position in Medicare Advantage and Medicare supplement. Consolidated UnitedHealth Group...
by Jason Yoo | Nov 20, 2020 | Medicare Advantage, Medicare Supplement, news
CSG Actuarial has compiled key information from GoHealth Inc.’s publicly available Q3 2020 financial information, focusing primarily on their Medicare segment results. GoHealth Q3 2020 Highlights: Third quarter 2020 net revenues of $163.4 million increased 52%...
by Jason Yoo | Nov 20, 2020 | Medicare Advantage, news
eHealth’s report examines plan selection trends and average premiums among Medicare beneficiaries shopping at eHealth between October 15 and November 8, 2020. It also includes key findings from their survey of more than 2,100 Medicare beneficiaries conducted in...