CSG Actuarial is excited to welcome Tracy Emrich, Senior Business Consultant, Carrie Haubensak, Business Development Manager and Lance Hiebner, Actuarial Analyst, to its growing team.
Tracy Emrich is returning to CSG Actuarial after spending the past few years at home with children. Tracy has over 10 years of industry experience, specializing in product compliance and development, electronic applications, process improvement, and business analysis. Tracy is excited to continue contributing to the growth and expansion of CSG products. Email Tracy at temrich@csgactuarial.com.
Carrie Haubensak has held both leadership and supporting roles creating successful sales and marketing programs in the insurance industry for over 23 years with companies such as Mutual of Omaha and Medico. She takes pride in the strong relationships she has formed with partners and stakeholders in agencies across the country during her tenure. Email Carrie at chaubensak@csgactuarial.com.
Lance Hiebner provides support in pricing a number of health insurance products, reporting valuation reserves, managing rate increase filings, and carrying out commission valuations and persistency studies for our clients. Before joining CSG Actuarial, he had internship experience in the Corporate Actuarial department of Ameritas prior to working as an Actuarial Analyst with Milliman. Lance earned a bachelor’s degree in Actuarial Science from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and is one exam away from earning his ASA. Email Lance at lhiebner@csgactuarial.com.