CSG Actuarial has compiled key enrollment information on Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplement from eHealth Inc.’s 2nd Quarter 2024 Financial results.  

eHealth Medicare Segment 2nd Quarter 2024 Enrollment Highlights: 

  • Medicare Advantage new approved members increased by 5.7% over the same quarter last year
  • Medicare Supplement new approved members decreased by 33.2% over the same quarter last year

eHealth:  Approved members represent the number of individuals on submitted applications that were approved by the relevant insurance carrier for the identified product during the current period. The applications may be submitted in either the current period or prior periods. Not all approved members ultimately become paying members.

  • Estimated Medicare Advantage membership increased 2.1% over the past 12 months
  • Estimated Medicare Supplement membership increased 3.2% over the past 12 months