During the Annual Enrollment Period, more people are online searching for their Medicare options. Although Medicare Supplements are sold year-round, seniors are still using AEP as a time to explore plan options.

According to Google, search terms related to Medicare Supplement and Medigap increased by 43% from August 2018 to October 2018, and 39% from September 2018 to October 2018.

CSG Actuarial’s consumer quoting website, FreeMedicareReport.com, is one online resource Medicare-eligible individuals are using to search for Medicare Supplement plans. The number of quotes ran on FreeMedicareReport.com increased by 38% from August 2018 to October 2018, and 38% from September 2018 and October 2018. We are expecting to see the same increase this AEP.

Below are the Top 10 states where quotes are ran.

1. Texas
2. California
3. Florida
4. New York
5. Illinois
6. Georgia
7. North Carolina
8. New Jersey
9. Pennsylvania
10. Ohio

Carriers and agents can capture the attention of these individuals who are running quotes on FreeMedicareReport.com through our featured carrier and agent advertising lead program. A featured carrier’s rate is shown at the top of the quote results and shown every time a quote is ran. Agent ads are displayed alongside the quote results. When an individual submits their contact information, the lead is sent directly to the agents who are advertising.

To become a featured carrier or join the agent advertising lead program, email info@csgatuarial.com or call 855-861-8776.