Founded in 2007, CSG Actuarial is the leader in providing quoting and enrollment solutions to the Medicare marketplace.  Agents rely on CSG Actuarial for accurate information and have run over 120 million quotes on CSG’s quoting software since 2018.

Plan G was once again the most popular Medicare Supplement plan quoted in 2023 with 65% of the total Medicare Supplement quotes.  The chart below shows the average Plan G premium rates by year for the Top 5, Top 10, Top 15, and Top 20 most competitive Plan G premium rates as of June 2019 – 2024.

Plan G Avg Prem

Higher rate increases on Plan G and a slowing of new market entrants has caused the average Plan G premiums for the Lowest 5, 10, 15, and 20 carriers in the market to increase substantially in 2024.  The annual percentage changes in these average premium rates for the Lowest 5, 10, 15, and 20 carriers are shown on the following graph.

Plan G Avg Premium 2